The Regulator assesses compliance with legislation and authorizations through compliance monitoring and verification activities. Compliance is assessed against:
A compliance monitoring activity refers to the reviewing of information received in the normal course of regulatory oversight to verify the work or activity is being conducted in a manner that complies with legislative requirements. It includes the review of various reports submitted by the operator and other workplace parties, such as:
A compliance verification activity is a planned, systematic and documented process for assessing compliance with the requirements of the Accord Acts or regulations and commitments made as part of the application for an authorization or approval and any associated conditions made by the Regulator. Compliance verification activities may include a desktop review of documented information (e.g., procedures, records) at the Regulator’s offices or may be conducted onshore at a regulated party’s offices or facilities or offshore at a regulated party’s facility.
A Non-Compliance is anything found during the conduct of compliance monitoring or verification activities that does not comply with the requirements of the Accord Acts or regulations and commitments made as part of the application for an authorization or approval and any associated conditions made by the Regulator. Both the Accord Acts and regulations require that measures be taken to correct and/or prevent future occurrences of any Non-Compliances that are identified.
All Non-Compliances, whether verbal or in writing, will be documented in a Non-Compliance Report. The Non-Compliance report requires the regulated party to assess the nature of the Non-Compliance and to respond in writing with a plan to return to compliance along with associated timelines to do so. Once accepted, staff will monitor the resolution of the Non-Compliance. If a regulated party has not achieved compliance in a reasonable manner, enforcement actions may be used.