Incident Disclosure 2022

Near Miss on the Hibernia Platform

March 18, 2022

Hibernia Management and Development Company Ltd. (HMDC) has reported that on March 15, 2022 personnel were moving the east blowout preventer gantry crane on the Hibernia platform when a piece of the motor’s drive assembly fell 10 metres to the deck.  The crane was in motion with no load attached, and the object weighed approximately 8 kg.

There were no injuries. Personnel authorized to be in the area were approximately 11 metres from the location of the dropped object at the time. The incident had the potential for fatality, based on the Dropped Objects Prevention Scheme (DROPS) calculator.

All wells are in a safe state, as there was no damage to well operations. HMDC immediately ceased gantry crane operations in the area and has initiated an investigation into the root cause of the incident, which the C-NLOPB is monitoring.

Media Contacts:

Margot Bruce-O’Connell
Public and Government Affairs
(709) 746-8383

Lesley Rideout
Communications Lead
(709) 725-2900

Incident Disclosures 2022

Oct 7, 2022Near Miss on the Hibernia Platform
Aug 22, 2022Near Miss on the Hibernia Platform
Mar 25, 2022Near Miss on the Hibernia Platform
Mar 18, 2022Near Miss on the Hibernia Platform