Information Resources Centre


The Information Resources Centre at TD Place has ceased operations and is now permanently closed.

Effective immediately all mail, couriers and deliveries should be directed to our new address:

Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board
240 Waterford Bridge Road
The Tower Corporate Campus – West Campus Hall
Suite 7100
St. John’s, NL
A1E 1E2


The Information Resources Centre contains technical information dating back to 1964, acquisition of the first geophysical program and 1966 drilling of the first well (Tors Cove D-52). Submission of information to the C-NLOPB has occurred in different formats over the years including paper, film, microfiche and electronic file. Information that has passed the confidentiality period as specified by the Accord Acts is available to the public.

As the industry has moved toward more modern exploration technologies and as digital data submissions have grown in size and frequency, the Board’s approach to the disclosure of data and information has also evolved.

In an effort to modernize the information retrieval process the C-NLOPB currently has available for users, staff have updated its Policy on Disclosure of Digital Data and Information and have created a new C-NLOPB map-based Data and Information Hub (Hub), which will allow stakeholders to locate and download Non-privileged technical information from one location. Both the Hub and updated Policy will increase both the amount of Non-privileged technical information accessible to stakeholders and the speed in which it can be obtained.

Information being moved into the Hub will remain on the current C-NLOPB website for a period of time prior to removal. A link to the Information Hub can be found on each page of the current C-NLOPB website affected during Phase 1 of this transition. Details on future phases will be announced as they become available.


It is important to note that Non-privileged technical information will continue to be available by request via as required.

The costs associated with requesting information include:

  • Labour by Board personnel to retrieve and re-archive the material at $30.00/hour (minimum 1/2 hr charge); plus,
  • Reproduction charges at $0.25/page (up to 8½ x 11 size) for copies made in-house; or alternatively, reproduction charges billed by a local contractor for over-sized and/or large volume copying.

Technical staff can also produce maps depicting information relating to activities in the Offshore at a cost of $100.00 per map.


The C-NLOPB is responsible to curate information gathered during the Exploration and Development activities offshore Newfoundland and Labrador. Information is stored and maintained within the C-NLOPB Information Resource Centre.

Whenever possible, we ask that you continue to submit information in an electronic format via our email account, or provide access to an SFTP site for CNLOPB Information Resources staff to download information.

To schedule an on-site visit, please submit a request through and a staff member will be able to assist you.