St. John’s, NL – The Canada – Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NOPB) has released a draft of a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) report for the Northeast Newfoundland Shelf and the Orphan Basin area, off the island of Newfoundland.
The draft SEA report was prepared by LGL Limited under contract to the C-NOPB and is currently under review by staff of the Board. The general public is invited to participate in the review process by providing written comment on the assessment by October 15th, 2003. These written comments will be considered in preparation of the final SEA document.
All of the 14 parcels offered in the Board’s 2003 Call for Bids NF03-1 are located within the SEA study area. The Board will consider the results of the SEA as it reviews response to its 2003 Call For Bids and in any future Call that may contain land parcels within the study area.
A Strategic Environmental Assessment provides a broad overview of the existing environment and considers the scope and nature of any likely environmental effects of activities and possible mitigative measures. In addition to the SEA for a region, a more detailed and location-specific environmental assessment must be submitted to the Board before any work – be it drilling, seismic testing or other petroleum-related activity – is permitted in the Newfoundland and Labrador offshore area.
Comments on the draft SEA should be received no later than 2:00 p.m. NDT on Wednesday, October 15th, 2003 and addressed to Kim Coady, Environmental Assessment Officer, Canada – Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board; 5th Floor – TD Place; 140 Water Street; St. John’s; NL; A1C 6H6; or via e-mail at
A copy of the draft Strategic Environmental Assessment is available on the Board’s Web site at . Those without access to the Internet can request a copy of the draft SEA through the Board office at the above address or by calling (709) 778-1400.
Simone Keough
Public Information Coordinator
Date | Update |
2003, Dec 18 | 2003 Land Sale Results |
2003, Sep 18 | Ammendment to SEA Released for Additional Public Comment |
2003, Sep 3 | Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Released for Public Comment |
2003, Apr 15 | 2003 CALL FOR BIDS |
2003, Apr 10 | Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Released for Public Comment |