The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board is inviting public comment on the draft “Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Southern Newfoundland area of the Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area”..
The Southern Newfoundland area is included in the C-NLOPB’s Call for Bids, and the bids for this area close on November 19. The results of the SEA will be considered in decisions relating to the potential issuance of exploration licences.
The Board is conducting the SEA for the Southern Newfoundland Offshore Area with the assistance of a working group with representatives from federal and provincial government departments and agencies, One Ocean, the Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union, local Regional Economic Development Boards, and non-governmental organizations, and has engaged an environmental consulting firm to prepare the associated SEA report. The Board has received a draft SEA report from the consultant and now is soliciting public comment on that document. The draft SEA Report may be viewed on the Board’s Web site at or by e-mailing a request to .
Written public comments on the draft SEA report will be accepted by the Board until noon on September 16, 2009.
Comments can be sent to Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, 5th Floor, TD Place, 140 Water Street, St. John’s NL, A1C 6H6, 709-778-1400; or via email to
Media Contact:
Sean Kelly APR, FCPRS
Manager of Public Relations
(709) 778-1418
(709) 689-0713