News Releases 2014

Notice to Potential Bidders re: Eastern Newfoundland Region Sector Identification

For Immediate Release
May 22, 2014


In accordance with the rights issuance cycle for Scheduled Land Tenure, the Board has now concluded its assessment of the nominations received in response to Call for Nominations NL13-01EN (Areas of Interest – Scheduled Lands). For the Eastern Newfoundland Region of the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area, the selected Sector NL01-EN is described in the attached land plat and legal description; all co-ordinates are in NAD 27, the datum used in all exploration licence land descriptions.

A sector represents the specific geographic location for the subsequent call for bids. Interested parties will be given an opportunity to nominate parcels within the sector at a later date. The complete sector area will be subdivided into parcels which will be made available for licencing subject to a Board decision and Ministerial ratification. The Board anticipates a call for bids in relation to these lands in the spring of 2015. A call for bids is a fundamental decision under the Atlantic Accord legislation and is therefore subject to Ministerial approval.

In the interim, any allowable exploration expenses incurred from the date of the initial announcement of the call for nominations on December 19, 2013, up to and including the effective date of the resulting exploration licence, may be claimed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the exploration licence by the successful bidder. These new credits would be in addition to those allowable expenditures currently available for credit during the term of the licence. Licence issuance is also subject to Ministerial approval.

The Board is presently completing the Eastern Newfoundland Strategic Environmental Assessment (2013). Any petroleum-based activity proposed for the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area will also be the subject of a project-specific environmental assessment, which would form part of the basis for a C-NLOPB authorization and set out any mitigations or restrictions to be applied before a proposed activity can proceed. Safety and environmental protection are paramount considerations in all C-NLOPB authorizations.

For further information, please contact:

Media Contact:
Sean Kelly M.A., APR, FCPRS
Manager of Public Relations
(709) 778-1418
(709) 689-0713 (cell)

News Releases 2014

2014, Dec 16C-NLOPB Announces Update of Reserve Estimate for the Hibernia Field
2014, Dec 12C-NLOPB Releases Results for Calls for Bids NL13-01, NL13-02 and NL14-01
2014, Nov 14C-NLOPB announces results of Call for Bids NL13-03
2014, Nov 13Offshore safety conference draws international experts to Newfoundland and Labrador
2014, Sep 30C-NLOPB Statement on the Dedication of the Offshore Helicopter Accident Memorial
2014, Sep 29White Rose Extension Project Public Review Report Released
2014, Aug 21C-NLOPB issues Calls for Nominations for Offshore Lands
2014, Aug 5Eastern Newfoundland Strategic Environmental Assessment now available
2014, Aug 5NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS CALL FOR BIDS NL13-01 (Area “C” – Flemish Pass) CALL FOR BIDS NL13-02 (Area “C” – Carson Basin) CALL FOR BIDS NL14-01 (Jeanne d’Arc Region)
2014, Jun 12Harris Centre to Conduct Public Review of White Rose Extension Development Plan Amendment
2014, Jun 11C-NLOPB Announces 2014 Call for Bids (Jeanne d’Arc Region)
2014, May 22Notice to Potential Bidders re: Eastern Newfoundland Region Sector Identification
2014, May 22Notice to Potential Bidders re: Labrador South Region Sector Identification
2014, May 20NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS CALL FOR BIDS NL13-01 (Area “C” – Flemish Pass) AND CALL FOR BIDS NL13-02 (Area “C” – Carson Basin)
2014, May 15Notice to Potential Bidders Call for Bids NL13-03 (Area “B” – Western Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Region)
2014, May 7Le C-TNLOHE diffuse la Mise à jour de l’évaluation environnementale stratégique de la zone extracôtière de l’Ouest de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador
2014, May 5C-NLOPB Delivers Western Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area Strategic Environmental Assessment Update
2014, Mar 11As the C-NLOPB remembers those lost, work continues to improve offshore helicopter passenger safety
2014, Mar 10Notice to Potential Nominators – Areas of Interest
2014, Mar 5C-NLOPB Invites Comments on Draft Eastern Newfoundland Strategic Environmental Assessment Report