Following the Call for Nominations for (Areas of Interest) in Eastern Newfoundland announced in January 2022, the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) has identified under its scheduled land tenure system Sector NL06-EN in the Eastern Newfoundland Region.
Sectors represent the geographic location for subsequent Calls for Nominations (Parcels) which, in addition to stakeholder feedback, prospectivity and environmental considerations, assist the C-NLOPB in selecting parcels to be included in subsequent Calls for Bids. The Call for Bids associated with this Sector is currently planned for Spring 2024 (closing November 2024), with successful bidders awarded new exploration licences in early 2025. Both the issuance of a Call for Bids and exploration licences require Board approval and ratification by the federal and provincial governments.
Offshore safety and environmental protection are paramount in all Board decisions. The C-NLOPB supports action by the federal and provincial governments to address climate change and protect notable marine areas, and will continue to work closely with governments and others in this regard. Emissions-related considerations will be assessed as part of the regulatory review process when companies propose specific plans.
This Sector location includes a number of important areas for fish harvesters. The C-NLOPB fully appreciates the importance of both the fisheries and petroleum sectors and will continue to engage with fisheries stakeholders, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), other federal and provincial agencies and other stakeholders throughout the land tenure process.
A portion of the proposed Sector location also overlaps the Northeast Newfoundland Slope Marine Refuge. The C-NLOPB recognizes the significance of this area and will continue to work closely with DFO and others in this regard. Further detailed information about scheduled land tenure is available here.
Any parties interested in receiving email notifications on Scheduled Land Tenure related announcements can contact Shannon Bulger at
Media Contact:
Lesley Rideout
Communications Lead
(709) 725-2900
Stakeholder Contact:
Stephanie Johnson, P.Geo
Director, Offshore and Information Resources
(709) 778-4246