Workplace Committees

A Workplace Committee is required on each offshore marine installation or structure (other than one established for six months or less). This committee, which is made up of equal numbers of management and worker representatives has a duty to monitor the health, safety and welfare of the workers employed at the workplace. They are required to participate in workplace inspections, establish and promote health and safety educational programs for workers, receive complaints, make recommendations for improvement to the safety management system and to identify aspects of the workplace that may be unhealthy or unsafe. The Committee must also be immediately notified of incidents in the workplaces and is expected to review incident investigation reports.

The requirements and authority of offshore Workplace Committees and Coordinators are defined in the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act, starting at Section 205.043. The guide on “Occupational Health and Safety Committees” from the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission of Newfoundland and Labrador provides further guidance on the duties of a committee.

The committee onboard an installation will normally meet at least once every three weeks. Minutes of each meeting are submitted to the C-NLOPB and reviewed by Safety Officers as evidence that committees are functioning effectively and are operating in compliance with the legislation.

While onboard an installation, Safety Officers meet with members of the Committee. In addition, coincident with the semi-annual Safety Forum, the C-NLOPB holds an “Offshore OHS Workplace Committee Session” with members of all offshore Committees to share lessons learned, discuss suggestions for improving health and safety onboard the installations, discuss current issues and provide feedback.

Semi-Annual JOHSC Sessions

Fall 2016

Clinton Cariou, ExxonMobil
James Nunnery, Seadrill

Spring 2014

Dennis Ricard, HMDC

Fall 2013

Kelly Weir, Senior Safety Officer,
Kim Dunphy, Assistant Deputy Minister, Occupational Health and Safety, Service NL
Russ Knight, Facilitator & Coach, Check-6
Kim Dunphy, Assistant Deputy Minister, Occupational Health and Safety, Service NL

Spring 2013

John Kennedy, Lead Safety Officer,
Kelly Weir, Senior Safety Officer,
Brenda Greenslade, Executive Direcot Employer Services, Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission (WHSCC)
Kim Dunphy, Assistant Deputy Minister, Occupational Health and Safety, Service NL
Dr. Tarek Sardana, President, Aviation Medicine International
Clark Stokes, HSE Manager– Offshore, Statoil

Spring 2012

John Kennedy, Senior Safety Officer,
Brenda Greenslade – Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission
John Kennedy, Senior Safety Officer,
Ryan Brown, Safety Officer, C-NLOPB
John Kennedy, Senior Safety Officer, C-NLOPB
Kelly Weir, Safety Officer, C-NLOPB
Stacy Belbin, HSEQ Coordinator, Production, Husky Energy