News Releases 2014

C-NLOPB Invites Comments on Draft Eastern Newfoundland Strategic Environmental Assessment Report

For Immediate Release
March 5, 2014

The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board
(C-NLOPB) is inviting the public to comment on the Draft Eastern Newfoundland Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Report. The report is available online and written copies are available upon request.

A SEA is a broad-based approach to environmental assessment that systematically examines the potential environmental implications of proposed program or policy decisions. The Eastern Newfoundland SEA will be considered in the Board’s 2013 Calls for Bids and decisions relating to the potential issuance of exploration licences.

The Eastern Newfoundland SEA is being prepared with the assistance of a working group consisting of representatives from federal and provincial government departments and agencies and non-governmental organizations. The preparation of the Draft SEA report was guided by a Scoping Document published by the C-NLOPB on May 8, 2013 as well as by public and stakeholder consultation sessions held in the Fall of 2013. The Eastern Newfoundland SEA updates the 2003 Orphan Basin SEA and extends the geographic coverage to include additional areas to the south and east.

All responses will be posted to the C-NLOPB website. The responses will not be treated as being confidentially submitted and will be posted in the official language in which they were provided. All identifying information will be removed except the name under which the documents were submitted.

If a third party is to be referenced in the documentation, the respondent should first obtain the consent of any third party before making the submission to the C-NLOPB.

The C-NLOPB takes no responsibility in relation to the content of the documentation provided by respondents.

The Board reserves the right to withhold from publication comments that are deemed to be spam or unrelated to the Eastern Newfoundland SEA.

The deadline for submitting written comments on the Draft SEA is Wednesday, April 16, 2014. Comments must be sent to the address below or via email to

Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board
5th Floor, TD Place
140 Water Street
St. John’s, NL
A1C 6H6

Media Contact:
Sean Kelly M.A., APR, FCPRS
Manager of Public Relations
(709) 778-1418
(709) 689-0713 (cell)

News Releases 2014

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2014, Nov 14C-NLOPB announces results of Call for Bids NL13-03
2014, Nov 13Offshore safety conference draws international experts to Newfoundland and Labrador
2014, Sep 30C-NLOPB Statement on the Dedication of the Offshore Helicopter Accident Memorial
2014, Sep 29White Rose Extension Project Public Review Report Released
2014, Aug 21C-NLOPB issues Calls for Nominations for Offshore Lands
2014, Aug 5Eastern Newfoundland Strategic Environmental Assessment now available
2014, Aug 5NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS CALL FOR BIDS NL13-01 (Area “C” – Flemish Pass) CALL FOR BIDS NL13-02 (Area “C” – Carson Basin) CALL FOR BIDS NL14-01 (Jeanne d’Arc Region)
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2014, Jun 11C-NLOPB Announces 2014 Call for Bids (Jeanne d’Arc Region)
2014, May 22Notice to Potential Bidders re: Eastern Newfoundland Region Sector Identification
2014, May 22Notice to Potential Bidders re: Labrador South Region Sector Identification
2014, May 20NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS CALL FOR BIDS NL13-01 (Area “C” – Flemish Pass) AND CALL FOR BIDS NL13-02 (Area “C” – Carson Basin)
2014, May 15Notice to Potential Bidders Call for Bids NL13-03 (Area “B” – Western Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Region)
2014, May 7Le C-TNLOHE diffuse la Mise à jour de l’évaluation environnementale stratégique de la zone extracôtière de l’Ouest de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador
2014, May 5C-NLOPB Delivers Western Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area Strategic Environmental Assessment Update
2014, Mar 11As the C-NLOPB remembers those lost, work continues to improve offshore helicopter passenger safety
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2014, Mar 5C-NLOPB Invites Comments on Draft Eastern Newfoundland Strategic Environmental Assessment Report