News Releases 2017

C-NLOPB Announces 2017 Call for Bids

For Immediate Release
April 3, 2017

The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) has issued a Call for Bids in the Jeanne d’Arc Region under the Scheduled Land Tenure Regime in the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area.

Interested parties will have until 12:00 p.m. NST on November 8, 2017 to submit sealed bids for the parcels offered in Call for Bids NL17-CFB01. The sole criterion for selecting a winning bid will be the total amount of money the bidder commits to spend on exploration of the parcel during Period I (the first period of a nine-year licence). The minimum bid for the parcel offered is $10,000,000 in work commitments. Notification of any changes to this Call for Bids will be posted on the Board’s website.

The Call for Bids parcels are included in the 2014 Eastern Newfoundland Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The SEA examines the environmental effects which may be associated with a plan, program or policy proposal and allows for the incorporation of environmental considerations at the earliest stages of program planning. SEA involves a broader-scale environmental assessment (EA) that considers the larger ecological setting and consultation with a wide array of stakeholders. A project-specific EA that focuses on site-specific issues must be completed before any work can begin within the licence area.

Offshore safety and environmental protection are paramount in all Board decisions. The C-NLOPB will not approve any offshore petroleum related activity until an Operator demonstrates that it has met all legislative and regulatory requirements and has reduced risks to levels that are as low as reasonably practicable.

Further detailed information about this Call for Bids is available here.

Any parties interested in receiving email notifications on Scheduled Land Tenure related announcements can contact Stephanie Stack at

Media Contact:
Lesley Rideout B.A., ADpPR
Communications Officer
(709) 725-2900 (cell)

Petroleum Industry Contact:
Stephanie Johnson, P.Geo
Director of Exploration and Information Resources (Acting)
(709) 778-4246

News Releases 2017

2017, Nov 16Update on Calls for Nominations for Parcels in the Eastern Newfoundland and Jeanne d’Arc Regions
2017, Nov 8C-NLOPB Releases Results for Call for Bids NL17-CFB01 – Jeanne d’Arc Region
2017, Oct 6Hibernia Management and Development Company Ltd. Pleads Guilty to Offence
2017, Sep 5C-NLOPB Issues Calls for Nominations for Offshore Land Parcels
2017, Aug 22Notice To Potential Bidders: Amendment to closing date of Call for Bids NL16-CFB03 (Labrador South Region)
2017, Jun 27Scheduled Land Tenure Announcement: South Eastern Newfoundland Region Sector Identification
2017, May 5C-NLOPB Seeks Public Input on Draft Scoping Document for Labrador Strategic Environmental Assessment Update
2017, May 5C-NLOPB-kut Kinijajuit Inuit Ikajudjinitsanginnik Atuinnaguttiginnimini Asiangutitausonik AllaKutiujunik Pitjutilinnik Labradorimi AvatiKutiujop Kaujisattauningata kamagijaugiasilaunninganit
2017, May 3C-NLOPB tshinanatupetakuau kie tshetshi uauitameku ne assinu ka tan tshipa ishpanu ne assi nanatu-tshissenitakaniti ne pimi ute Labrador
2017, Apr 3C-NLOPB Announces 2017 Call for Bids
2017, Mar 18Statement from Scott Tessier, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, on the Passing of Ed Drover
2017, Feb 28C-NLOPB Announces 2017 Eastern Newfoundland Region Sector Identification
2017, Feb 2C-NLOPB Issues Call for Nominations for Areas of Interest